
Sound files for art piece "I'm Perfectly Fine Without You," downloadable on iTunes as podcasts


We don’t really have a great relationship…but I’m okay with that. I’m okay with that, but it’s also a little frustrating because we have had a good relationship at one point.



It’s difficult to think, you know, how much do I owe my parents? What should I—what should I give up for them? I still haven’t resolved it…on the one hand, he gave me something in my childhood that nobody else could. But on the other, I don’t think I’m equipped to be able to help him the way he needs help.



You know, I don’t know if this is going to affect me. But surprisingly it did, you know. It just–it fit everything together that I didn’t know it needed to be fitted together. It just answered a lot of questions that I had inside of me.
